• Releases

    New interactive outfit Bunnysuit

    2023 is the year of the bunny! It was obvious I would do a bunny set for the occasion. This new outfit comes with a large set of different sizes (13 in total), for an interactive outfit it is quite a challenge!

    Wretch Bunnysuit interactive outfit

    Now what does it do? The top part can be lowered to show the breasts, only the left side or both sides. A vibrator is included and integrated with the bodysuit. It can be only displayed or displayed and buzzing with a funny vibrating animation.

    The outfit comes with a Hud including every textures and features, no single separated color here. It’s a whole package for a complete experience.

    A menu is given to anybody when they click on your bodysuit by default, they can strip you or activate your vibrator! If you don’t want this behavior, make sure to disable the “Public” option on your Hud. There is also a blacklist/whitelist system.

    You will find the outfit at Whore Couture Fair, starting March 1st at Noon SLT running for the entire month.

    Now available at the mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lestern/96/223/1413

  • Releases

    Xmas Outfit

    The new Xmas Outfit is fitted for Legacy+Perky+Petite+V-tech, eBody+V-tech-Mounds, Kemono default, Chest 2, Fitted Torso.


    Also the come back of the claw games to win 4 outfits at the store for the Kemono, xmas dresses, xmas bikini, xmas ribbons.

    Wretch xmas outfit second life
  • Releases

    Vibe Swimsuit

    Here is a new reboot of the interactive swimsuit, updated, upgraded with new features like vibrator under the crotch area, vibrators for nipples and crotch, animated pull down and up, new textures…

    It is now available in store and MP.

    Fitted for:
    Legacy / perky / petite – eBody Reborn / Mounds – Belleza Gen.X Classic / Curvy

    Find it at the Mainstore with demo


    Second Life Wretch Vibe Swimsuit
  • Releases

    Bat Lingerie New Release

    Wretch Bat Lingerie

    This Wretch lingerie set is now available in store and MP

    Rigged for Legacy / perky / petite / V-Tech – eBody Reborn / V-Tech – Kemono default / Fitted Torso Busty / Rei’s Chest 2

    A bulge shape is included with every size.

    Find it at the Mainstore with demo and at the MarketPlace

  • Updates

    Gym Outfit update

    The Gym Outfit has been updated with a new size for the Meshbody Classic.
    An animation has been included to the bloomer for pulling it up and down.
    And a new button appeared on the Hud to change the nametag on the shirt more easily by pasting a texture’s UUID.

    To get the update wear the update card in your folder or get a redelivery in the mainstore

  • Releases

    Gym Outfit

    This gym uniform is a full interactive outfit now available in store and MP

    It includes shirt, bloomer, panties, loose socks, frill socks, uwabaki shoes
    Rigged for Legacy / perky / petite – eBody Reborn

    Find it at the Mainstore with demo and at the MarketPlace

    More sizes will be added, because the complete interactive outfit has 8 different meshes part, it takes a while to fit them to each new body.

    Second Life Wretch Gym Outfit Taisougi
  • Releases

    Succubus Darling @Ota.Con

    New Succubus Darling outfit for Otacon event
    Open May 1st at 12am SLT

    Fatpack Includes: sleeves, collar, bra, panties, bento tail, bento wings, heart shaped pupil, send love animation

    Available for Legacy, Inithium Kupra, eBody Reborn, Erika, Belleza Freya, Kemono, Fitted torso busty, Chest 2, Jiggle Puffs

    The outfit is MOD for both the packs and the fatpack.
    UV and PSD file are available to download with an applier in the fatpack!

  • Releases

    Gris Swimsuit @Melody

    New Gris Swimsuit for Melody event
    Open 28th February at 11:59pm
    Close end of March

    Available for Legacy/perky/petite, Inithium Kupra/Kups, eBody Reborn, Erika, Belleza Freya

    Kemono, Fitted torso busty, Chest 2, Jiggle Puffs, ABC/flat/male with bulge, Avi(L) all sizes

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    Second Life Wretch Gris Swimsuit