
Update Kemono Maid Dress & Group gift

The Kemono Maid Dress has been updated to fix the Fitted Torso Busty issue with big boobs, and the ABC size for the issue with the hearts.
Wear the update card to get the update.

The first texture mod is already out and it is fantastic ! It is from ~ Kururu ~ store and I recommend it Get it here

Kemono Maid Dress I love my master Kururu

Unfortunately with this (or fortunately) I have discovered too late (after the dress update) that there is a little bug with the Applier, the Hud custom tab and the shoes/socks.
The Applier is safe and will not break, I will fix this in the next update.

And there is a new group gift at the store (the Kemono Ruffle Panties), go grab it at : Wretch Mainstore

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