WIP and site migration

A few days ago I migrated the site to another hosting, in the process I redesigned it entirely with a more up to date theme and should run better.

I updated the weight transfer addon for blender 2.80 and above. Several tools were not working correctly since the version 3.0. Here what’s changed:

  • Now the single bone transfer works again.
  • Multiple meshes can be selected to transfer the weight for “Transfer ALL” (but it’s still not working how I want, I don’t know why)
  • Clean Vertex Groups is fixed and works again, and it works with multiple selection
  • Del Vertex Groups has been added, it allows to delete all vertex groups for multiple object selection.

The bunnysuit had a little fix, the tights for the peety peets were clipping with the bodysuit for waifu and V-tech.

Dairy Dolls has been updated to version with more bug fixes and a new fitting for Inithium Kupra.

A new mesh is in the work for Euphoria, starting early November.

wretch mesh dress second life

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